
Corrupt-a-wish Game

Wish granted, but when you got the cigars and rum, the cigars were burn't to a crisp and the rum was spilled on the floor
because the bottles were broken.
I wish for sleep to be amazingly awesome (more than it already is).
Wish granted.

Sleep become so awesome that puny humans aren't allowed to use it.

I wish for my lag to go down to a playable rate.
Wish granted...

Your lag goes down to such a playable rate that playing is all you do... you become addicted and any time you stop playing for more than 30 seconds you have extreme withdrawals... since you cant exercise you become so fat that you cant walk.. not only can you not walk you cant sit in a wheelchair... finally your family joins together to "help you" and take away your computer... you die almost instantly from the withdrawals and rather than tear the roof off of the house to get a crane to lift you out they burn you house down with you in it...

I wish my shoulder was exactly how it was yesterday morning...

But you made that wish when you were a 6 year's old kid. Now you have grown up, you're an adult, with the shoulder of a child.
You have changed your fate, you'll never know the life of the pro baseball player you were destined to be ; rich, famous and idolized by millions of fans across the world.

I wish for luck.

Granted, in one instance you had impeccable luck, succeeding at every turn just barely. Then, you were unlucky for the rest of your life and you were murdered by an intruder while you were eating dinner.

I wish for some stuff and some things.
Wish granted.

The stuff are some time bombs that blow up on you and the things are nukes that blow up and kill everyone you love.

I wish that it was 9:40am on 4/12/2017.
Wish granted.

time stops then and everything is frozen at one time forever...

i wish i could still work...
Wish granted unfortunately for you, your wish is too vague. The only work can still do is walking, so you die in poverty.
wish granted.

you get to mars and die because of the lack of oxygen...

I wish that nobody that posted on here forgot to make a wish.

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