
DGT Support

Excellent, I will keep you posted. I am hoping to have a proof of concept working quite soon, and will upload a video.

@Bracco I had the old serial board, and recently converted it to a usb board. Any version of the board will be supported though
@andrewrimmer: For my curiosity: how did you manage to convert your board to USB? Did you send it back to the factory to get it converted? TIA
@Bracco you can buy a conversion kit from DGT. It includes a bit of drilling but it's pretty simple. It is nice not to need a power supply or serial adaptor anymore
can you provide a link about how to buy the conversion kit? Not scared abput drilling ;-) Thanks in advance
watched your video on youtube. I LOVE IT!!!!!!
@bracco I contacted, and then Frits sent a purchase order. It is quite expensive, but it is a nice upgrade.

The video on how to do it is here

If you do end up upgrading your board, don't miss out drilling the holes for screwing the usb plate in. I used self driving screws and thought i wouldn't need to drill, sadly this ended up splitting the wood onthe side. Barely noticeable really, but frustrating as I had finished all the 'hard' work. I am more used to programming than DIY :)
Nice video, but man! 4...c6??
Was Stockfish drunk? :-)

Just kidding - keep it up! I'm already looking forward to doing some testing ;-)

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