
Black licorice candy

My friend just returned from a trip to Australia. He bought some snacks for the entire class.
Then, I listen to people saying "eww" and I rush to their place.
It turns out, it was the first time anyone in the class at all ate black licorice candy.
They said it was sweet and metallic which isn't wrong.
I tried it... It was good!? I thought no one liked black licorice but I was an exception.
Well, to be honest, there were two more flavors. Strawberry and some yellow color.
I don't know what pure black licorice tastes like, but I don't think it's gonna be bad for me.
I love black licorice (and also anise, to which it is related), but it seems an acquired taste. There are also fruit flavoured licorices, such as strawberry and cherry (which I am very partial to). If your friends don't like the black, they will probably like the cherry flavoured. If they can get it.
@verylate said in #2:
> I love black licorice (and also anise, to which it is related), but it seems an acquired taste. There are also fruit flavoured licorices, such as strawberry and cherry (which I am very partial to). If your friends don't like the black, they will probably like the cherry flavoured. If they can get it.
Unfortunately, my friend got those in Australia. Our country doesn't have that type (maybe there is but extremely unpopular)
I don't think our class has any chance again.
Yeah I also love black licorice. There are these little black licorice candies that I’ve only had once (in a Germany themed town) that are different colors and shapes that are very very good. It’s unfortunate that not enough people like black licorice. i also like star anise, it’s one of my favorite spices. I like it especially in Thai iced tea (I have a very good recipe if anyone wants it).
@WantedAName said in #3:
> Unfortunately, my friend got those in Australia. Our country doesn't have that type (maybe there is but extremely unpopular)
> I don't think our class has any chance again.

I think those are the same ones that I had. I had to get them from a candy shop in a German themed town. I hear that they’re very hard to find.
@dstne said in #4:
> Yeah I also love black licorice. There are these little black licorice candies that I’ve only had once (in a Germany themed town) that are different colors and shapes that are very very good. Unfortunately, not enough people like black licorice. i also like star anise, it’s one of my favorite spices. I like it especially in Thai iced tea (I have a very good recipe if anyone wants it).
Oh, star anise? We use that on pho but for candy as well. Interesting.
Our family doesn't consume that many spices. There's only salt, spice powder, pepper, fish sauce, msg are common ones. Classic Asia.
I occasionally buy my wife Kookaburra licorice,she loves it.
Oddly enough the only place I've ever found it is Ace hardware.
@dstne said in #4:
> Yeah I also love black licorice. There are these little black licorice candies that I’ve only had once (in a Germany themed town) that are different colors and shapes that are very very good. It’s unfortunate that not enough people like black licorice. i also like star anise, it’s one of my favorite spices. I like it especially in Thai iced tea (I have a very good recipe if anyone wants it).
can you share the recipe please i’m interested

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