
Week 2 Homework Defending Pieces and Checks #1

17 • sbloom134 •
  1. Protect pawn B4 2 ways
  2. Protect the Pawn on E3 2 Ways.
  3. Protect your bishop without moving it. in 2 ways Which 1 is better???
  4. Check the black king without getting captured
  1. sbloom134

week 1 homework Capture exercise#2

12 • sbloom134 •
  1. white to move and win a piece
  2. Best 2 ways to defend the check. Remember your 3 options
  3. White to Move and win a Free Piece
  1. sbloom134

Week 3 Homework Attacking exercieses #1

9 • sbloom134 •
  1. Attack the D6 pawn with another piece in 1 move
  2. Attack the Horse on G4 so it cannot escape
  3. Find best attacking move for White
  1. sbloom134

Week 5 homework Pin and Fork #2

8 • sbloom134 •
  1. White to Move and win a free piece
  2. Win a free piece by taking advantage of pin
  3. Take advantage of the pin
  1. sbloom134

Week 4 Homework Attacking exercieses #2

8 • sbloom134 •
  1. Win a piece my removing the defender
  2. Win a free piece
  3. capture the defender to win free piece
  1. sbloom134

Week 7 Homework discovery easier #1

5 • sbloom134 •
  1. best move white
  2. white to move and win a free piece in 2 moves
  3. white 2 win a free piece in 2 moves
  1. sbloom134

Week 16 Homework Mate in 3 homework

5 • sbloom134 •
  1. 3 move xmate
  2. 3 move mate
  3. 3 move xmate
  1. sbloom134

Week 9 Homework intermezzo homrowrk #1

5 • sbloom134 •
  1. who does white eat first and why
  2. black to win a piece in 2 moves
  3. black 2 best moves
  1. sbloom134

Week 15 Homework mix #3

4 • sbloom134 •
  1. what can White win?
  2. Take Advantage pin but be careful
  3. Understand the position what category we have. 2 mover
  1. sbloom134

Devoir Semaine # 6

4 • sbloom134 •
  1. échec et mat en 1
  2. échec et mat en 1
  3. échec et mat en 1
  4. échec et mat en 1
  1. sbloom134

Week 23 homework

4 • sbloom134 •
  1. 2 movers or 3?
  2. qui protege qui
  3. hard
  1. sbloom134

Week 13 Homework deflection homework

4 • sbloom134 •
  1. 2 mover
  2. 2 mover
  3. 2 mover
  1. sbloom134

semaine 22

4 • sbloom134 •
  1. 3 moves
  2. 3 moves
  3. 2 or 3 moves
  1. sbloom134

homework #51-56

4 • sbloom134 •
  1. Homework #51
  2. endgame strategy
  3. the block
  4. hard trap
  1. sbloom134

Devoir Semaine # 5

3 • sbloom134 •
  1. blanc a bouger et gagnez une pièce gratuite
  2. Gagnez une pièce gratuite en profitant du pin's
  3. Pourquoi vous devriez toujours faire le switch et profiter de la pin
  4. Profitez de pin
  1. sbloom134

week 24 homework

3 • sbloom134 •
  1. clearence
  2. quelle tactic?
  3. echec et mat quand notre equipe nous block
  4. future attack
  1. sbloom134