
How fast can you type?

To the person who asked, my experience indicates that typing speed is not indicative of bullet chess skill. I recall a twitch stream from chessbrahs, though, where Mr. Hansen typed over 140 WPM on typeracer. So I think there might be something to the idea that typing skill and chess skill are correlated.

Words per minute (WPM) 92
Keystrokes 461
(461 | 0)
Correct words 83
Wrong words 0
You are better than 96.15% of all users (position 4766 of 123774 - last 24 hours)

At least I'm decent at typing if not at chess!
Words per minute (WPM) 85
Keystrokes 424
(424 | 0)
Correct words 81
Wrong words 0
You are better than 94.79% of all users (position 7552 of 144906 - last 24 hours)

Thought I would be even bit faster. I am sure I was in my youth... ;-)

Words per minute (WPM) 70
Keystrokes 349
(349 | 0)
Correct words 65
Wrong words 0
You are better than 89.7% of all users (position 18153 of 176197 - last 24 hours)
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Words per minute (WPM) 109
Keystrokes 548 (543 | 5)
Correct words 98
Wrong words 1
You are better than 98.82% of all users (position 2078 of 176305 - last 24 hours)

too easy tbh :o
You are better than 93.25% of all users (position 10872 of 161097 - last 24 hours). WPM 83
I typed this in less than ten seconds! ^^


:P (Too bad lichess can't handle pie! Fix this, @thibault.)

Edit: lol jk Here's the website where I found this mortal weapon:

Have fun crashing the servers, guys!
No joke, Varun Krishnamurthi, I have more digits memorized than I feel like counting.


I haven't counted, but I think it is about 70. All from memory. No COPY+PASTE

@Lightsss Hehehe

First attempt: 91 WPM
Second attempt: 109 WPM
Third attempt: 109 WPM
Fourth attempt: 104 WPM
Fifth attempt: 107 WPM
Sixth attempt: 109 WPM
Seventh attempt: 109 WPM
Eighth attempt: 112 WPM

Finally! Now I have the high score :). Who can beat me? Lightsss will crush me now :P.

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