
Instant ban for declining a match

Yeah, it is 1931.2 on white and 1910.0 on black, but I have no problem with a long-term scenario, which is working well, but with some players avoiding play as black for some reasons (instant abort after specific opening was good example). All strange situations I had was really rare, but it doesn't mean they can't be fix. For example if someone is accepting a rematch after being white and declining playing it after seeing first move of opponent - isn't it a good reason to not let him play for 5 minutes? If he needs to go suddenly, it wouldn't hurt him.
@Autofill said in #5:
This is very true to a lot of lichess users. However Lichess wouldn't know if you accidently did it or not. - maybe another example of just misslick to start a match and that's why my opponent decline playing after seeing 1. g4 (with green dot waiting for my first move), but yeah, why to avoid that kind of behavior...
well i for one have clicked on games accidentally and aborted, sometimes ill just play depending on the situation. I dont usually abort unless like if i get paired against someone like 200 lower in quick pairing. i would say after one game is harsh but if that person is aborting like all games as black then there should definitely be a punishment
And why he can abort just because of rating difference? If I want a fair matchmaking with people not aborting forum users advicing me to use specific preferences before searching an opponent. He also could use it to prevent big difference of rating.

I feel like most of forum users are trying to claim that it is really common mistake to just misslick start a game button - how it can be? If it would be often, you would often drop king on f1 instead of castling etc. At least in my head it should work that way :D

In my opinion online chess should have high standard for game etiquette - not lowering it cause it is online and not OTB. OTB someone who just saying "ah, I am not playing, you have to low rank" would be fine? But maybe I am just to idealistic and should understand that online chess community is different from real chess community and some mechanisms which are shocking for OTB playing won't be shocking online, cause simply most of people want these mechanisms to be with us.

So majority of forum users prefer for those some players who are avoiding games on purpose (no matter why) to not be punish, because they value more an ability to missclick and abort a game without a penalty, cause they feel like that can be an issue for them too (or it was) than to get rid of matchmaking cheaters.

Ok, vox populi, vox Dei :) We can close this topic.

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