
Looking for 2000+ classical players for 120+60 or 180+60 games

@QueenRosieMary said in #40:
> Whether or not you want people to watch is irrelevant. If you play @TeenageDimwit, even unrated, it will probably be on Classical Lichess TV and there will be 20+ random people watching. Also, if I hear about an arrangement to play, I will probably create a forum just to publicise it...seeing as the punters clearly have an appetite for it ;)
> And, yes he is very friendly but certainly not harmless. We are good mates but he has no qualms about destroying me when we play, actually, I think he quite enjoys it, as we all do when we get the chance to butcher our opponent!

Okay then I will not do it. Find another mate for your partner. Maybe tinder.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #41:
> Okay then I will not do it. Find another mate for your partner. Maybe tinder.

Well. You kind of brought this on yourself, always posting in the forums, giving people advice, telling us about you YT, cheap coaching and your blogs, you are looking for attention, and you surely got some here.

You went fishing and caught a marlin, and now you want to put him back in the sea before he bites you in half. You confidently declared you could draw with him, then backtracked. I can see why everyone wanted to see you both play and I take full responsibility for dramatising and publicising it, because I and others wanted to see a good game.

I wish you all the best in your quest to find suitable classical opponents.
@QueenRosieMary the only one talking so much here is you. And now being fully aware that you mean all of what you say half ironic, I still want to end this conversation here. Please let me be. Thank you.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube, look, I'm sorry if I have in any way crossed the line with my comments. #7/10/24/26 were meant as lighthearted banter. Some of the comments in the thread, although harmless in nature seemed to be egging on the competitive spirit but there really is no pressure for us to play a game, and I wish you the best of luck in reaching the top 200.

P.S. 8.Bxf7+ in the game against Yogesh is a very nice find! It's a pity that you weren't able to save your queen, but it was still a well-played game, considering the time of day it was played at, lol.

Also, @QueenRosieMary meant no harm. She just enjoys seeing me getting farmed, hence all the posting.


I must be dreaming... you are not roasting my chess for once?! This will take some getting used to ;-)
I don't think any of you said anything that's particularly offensive. Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #47:
> @TeenageDimwit I know. Sometimes it still gets too much for me. I don't sleep much. The time of day wouldn't be the problem if I werent awake for 40 hours already ^^

As a night shift worker, my sympathies to you on the lack of sleep

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