
is promoting all of your extra pawns to knights good sportsmanship in tournaments?

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What's an "extra pawn"? I thought promoting to knights was the only way to deliver checkmate...
@msck wrote :It's completely fine to play on after you blunder a piece, but if one player is in a position to easily promote all their pawns, it's not even a losing endgame, but an already lost one. It is good sportmanship to resign at that point. After playing a long game it is much more graceful to resign than to make your oponent prove they know how to mate with Rook/Queen and King. (they do)

Low level players (like me) sometimes they dont know how to promote rook/queen :)
Nice puzzle by #34!
By far, it's the best one I have ever seen!
I have auto promote to queen on.
So my game would look like this:

I wonder if it's possible to win this position if you can promote pawns only to queens.
Well, it‘s a study. There’s one solution. No more, no less.
Great study, thanks Sargon!

Not easy to arrive at this starting position with only legal moves, but I eventually found a solution. The main problems were working out how to promote to a WSB on g8, and getting the black king to h1 through that thicket of pawns.

I'm sure there are a few wasted moves somewhere - who can beat 59 moves? :)

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