
Inappropriate behaivour

I agree with @seanysean , it's unclear if Lichess had a policy against public shaming whether or not that policy would discourage anonymous shaming.

The point wouldn't necessarily be to "protect" the victims of said shaming, but to discourage forum arguments which in general usually typically but not always but a good deal of the time become unmanageable.
I almost always play 30 minute classical games. I offer them playing black or white and I take on all comers. This way my rating is as legitimate as I can make it.

I have offered games and when I "get" white many of my opponents have aborted the game. I'm assuming that they wanted to wind up with white. This does not seem to be fair.

But there is a behavior that I had to give some thought to. Suppose I have a position wherein I have almost no hope of winning, but let's say I have 5 minutes left and my opponent has 2 minutes left. I see no reason why I shouldn't just make moves quickly in order to run out my opponents clock.

But I would take issue with someone in a losing position letting their clock run out (hoping that I'll leave the game) and then making their move with just one minute left.
The clock is part of the game.
But letting the clock run out hoping that the opponent will leave
the game is frustrating and unacceptable.
It's also very difficult for the moderators to take action. On what grounds should they ban a player?? Everybody may use the time available in any way they wish!!
#43 FatesWarning, if a player always in a systematic way, in obviously completely lost positions, lets time run out, it's not a question about using his/her time in the way they want to. I don't share your opinion that implementing a system detecting if someone is doing so in a systematic way would be be very difficult/unrealisitic or unethic.

If such a behaviour follows a certain pattwern it would be very easy to recognize in a way that can't go for "using his time like he wants to"
@blackzombie , I agree.
All I said was that it's difficult for the moderators to take action. Have you ever seen any player banned because of this behaviour?
#46 No, but that doesn't mean it is difficult. Only that no rule for it exists.

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