

By "have chess prodigies" I meant potential prodigies, which haven't manifested themselves.
@sakram07 You are wrong to state that genes can have an effect on few being in the top 100. And it is not that on average they are not interested, but because not as many are exposed to chess. But I guess you can't be interested in what you don't know so you are partially right.
#22 You are stating your theory as a fact, but it is just a theory. You seem absolutely certain that genetics dont play even lets say a 1% role on the result. yet your argument would fail in other cases. Take the 100 first of the 100m sprint, how many white folk are there? And dont tell me that white children don't get exposed to running:)
#23 Oh. Good point on the running thing. I just find it hard to accept that they would say that in a 1 billion+ gene pool the chances are so low that genetically a bunch hasn't made it to the top 100 purely because every one of them has some flaw in there genes, not because many are poor.
"purely" goes a bit too far. Look, it is actually possible that genetics don't play any role on this, but it is possible too that they play some role ,even a small one. The truth is that we ( as humanity) still dont know this particular answer. And the reason why I am clarifying this,is because someone in this debate said his opinion, and others begun to call him racist. I have seen this many times and I consider it a bullying of sorts, and it made me feel sad.Anyway this went a bit of topic, now I have an extremely intensive intellectual activity that I have to do(going to the gym) ,so have a nice day-evening or whatever everyone
1) You can ask the same question regarding Go.
Why don't you play Go?
Are you just not able to visualize boards with marbles?
Are whites good only at calculation but not judgment?
Is it that asians are superior?
Or is it because Go lacks popularity in western civilizations?

2) Let me paraphrase Laszlo Polgar "give me a healthy baby and I can turn him into a chess genius"

3) Laszlo Polgar himself wanted to adopt three third world country black kids and train them in chess.

4) Regarding women and men. There are indeed some problems, for example, Judit Polgar stated that in tournaments, menstruation and cramps affected very negatively her play.

5) Regarding someone's statement on black sports superiority.
How many black people do you see playing Ice Hockey?
Is it because they are weaker and slower than whites? No, take for example american football.
Is it because they have bad coordination and can't skate properly? Absolute No.

It is because traditionally it doesn't snow every winter on Africa.
And in the USA, hockey isn't nearly as popular as american football and basketball.


There ARE genetic advantages and disadvantages on every race.

Current example:
- Weightlifting experts discussing whether the bone alignment of Chinese competitors is more advantageous than that of americans and russians.

Answer so far: On some lifts there is evident leverage advantage.


TL;DR Culture is and always will be the main factor. Genetical differences, although relevant, are not enough to induce such a big disproportion in success at a field of work/study.
Why are you so passionate about distinguishing genetic and cultural factors? This applies both to people who insist genetic determination is strong and to people who insist it is negligible.
This kind of bullshit has been used to promote colonialism and slavery all around the world. Black people were enslaved, made to work on farms in horrible conditions, got the right to vote very late and are still discriminated against when they go for jobs. So they are poor. Then some right wing wacko idiot comes up, they are all stupid because they can't play chess. This is fucking RACISM. You all should know better.

#28 I hate people like you the most. Not anything personal, I just do not like people with low IQ. People who can't understand what others are saying, but still try to and end up understanding it totally differently. People who think they are good citizens of their country, but actually do nothing for it to improve and progress forward. People who are good enough to do their job, but not good enough to understand why they are doing it.

It's you. The average guy.
Its clear that you live probably belong to a far right white supremacist group. Feel free to share which far right group you represent. In fact feel free to share a link to your group's website because this is probably a sick twisted recruitment attempt.

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