
Search "user:kashikura1"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Finding High Win Rate Chess Positions at Move 10 in Lichess Database#1

So, what I am trying to do, has probably been done before. But I am trying to find frequently played positions in any opening with high winning percentage. Let's say all of these positions have to be …

Lichess Feedback - Do puzzles from puzzle racer get replayed in puzzle dashboard?#1

Can I replay failed puzzles from puzzle racer/puzzle storm in puzzle dashboard. If not, I think it would be a nice feature.

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Lichess Feedback - How to disable voting on puzzles after solving?#1

For me personally, voting on puzzles presents a challenge. I have to exert some mental energy and think hard if the puzzle is good or bad. Also, when I solve a puzzle wrong, I am tempted to vote the p…
