
Looking for engine with parameters (e.g. best agressive move)

I use a chess engine to analyze my games and see where i went wrong. The chess engine i use (online stockfish) shows me the optimal moves. However, I like to play more wild but suboptimal moves. I want to see the possible crazy attacks which i missed. This is why I am searching a chess engine that can be parametrized. So if there would be a parameter for agressiveness/wildness i would put that parameter to the maximal value and see if there is a difference with standard parameters
Although it is not free, ChessBase 14 has a function called "Tactical Analysis," which is a setting in which the computer analysis of the game is especially focused on finding combinations, sacs, etc.
Junior used to be known for wild chess (it does the moves it considers optimal but it's evaluation function favors aggressive wild moves).
There might be engines out there with an UCI parameter for that though I don't know about that. The problem is it's hard for an engine to decide what move is "aggressive". Sacrifices? Then a useless queen blunder surely is a very aggressive move. (there are things that you can do in an engine to make it play aggressively but it's not so clear cut what exactly counts as aggressive)
EDIT: Spelling
Stockfish has a "Contempt" parameter which is supposed to do what you want I guess. I never tried it out myself though.

Here's the parameter documentation:

Contempt Integer, Default: 0, Min: -100, Max: 100
Roughly equivalent to "optimism." Positive values of contempt favor more "risky" play, while negative values will favor draws. Zero is neutral.
Chess System Tal has a very interesting sacrificial playing style, but it is very old and outdated. (version 1 is a dos version)
Chessmaster (i guess since version 8000 which cost only a few bucks second hand) is very flexible, you can also create own paying characters easily (manipulating important engine parameters in a gui, even piece values!).

A few years ago i took stockfish source code and changed some parameters in the source code (forgotten what i have done exactly, but it was something about increasing the importance of piece mobility and reducing the importance of material values) After compiling i got a romantic playing stockfish, it played gambit openings without opening book.
example game against another (weak) engine:
instead of looking for an "aggro" engine, you should just steer the game towards tactical positions (with a suitable opening repertoire) and then you can let the engine do its job normally
a normal mode chess engine doesn't help me practice because i play sacrificial chess usually but my sacrifices are too often not sound enough

thank you for your answers, i will try out your proposed engines.

I also installed stockfish on my command line but it's not very convenient for me to enter or read positions in command line..
Stockfish can be hooked up to any chess GUI that supports UCI engines so you don't have to deal with the command line. Arena is an example and allows you to configure Stockfish within the GUI.
"Rodent II" is highly tweakable. Downside: it is around 2900 Elo in CCRL. But you can use personalities like the "Mad Attacker" which sacrifices a lot

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