
How to reset my puzzle rating?

My puzzle streak rating is impossibly high. It spoils the challenge of trying to beat one's record. I have no idea why it is twice the number that I usually accomplish. Maybe the puzzles used to be easier?

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Your 42 is nothing to sneeze at! And that's the point! The highest I get is 51 these days. Beating 60 seems impossible. My 80+ look like a private work of fiction. Wishful thinking. Completely unreproducible by me. I ain't bragging here. I just don't understand it and wish it adjusted to the current inflation rate so it starts reflecting my actual strength.
And see? It's only attracting the evil eye without my having anything to show for it. I will die someday and never having replicated that impossible result. The ferryman will let me play a game with him to decide my destination and I will end up in the impostor's chess circle of hell. I can already imagine the idiotic conversations I'll be having there. It's basically me and that one Indian business guy who outplayed Anand. I am slowly panicking. Help me. Reset it to zero please.

Unfortunately this is not possible.
All you can do is work on it and maybe one day break it ;)
what i think you can do is set it to easiest and purposely do the wrong thing if that does not work i dont know what will
@Natgeo112 said in #7:
> what i think you can do is set it to easiest and purposely do the wrong thing if that does not work i dont know what will

Isn't "purposely doing the wrong thing" against the TOS, even if it's just a puzzle?
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Thanks for all those good suggestions! And sorry.

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