
The Cuban Magician

Chess PersonalitiesChess
The 3 rd World Chess Champion (1921-1927)

José Raúl Capablanca

Jose Raul Capablanca is a Cuban chess world champion.He is one of the greatest players of all time. He was born on 19 th of November 1888 in Havana, Cuba. As it says in his books, He had begun to play chess when he was just 4 years old .

The historians say that Capablunca learned to play chess just by looking at a game and it was between his father and one of his father's friends..After he learned how to play chess after that game he challenged his father to play chess with him and he had beaten his father in the chess game. He was interested in playing chess and began to play chess at a young age..In 1901 the chess prodigy Jose Capablanca began playing against Juan Corzo, the champion of Cuba at that time and he narrowly won that match. However, in April 1902 he only came fourth out of six in the National Championship, losing both his games against Corzo..

After a few years,He was particularly dominant in rapid chess, winning a tournament ahead of the reigning World Chess Champion, Emanuel Lasker, in 1906.He bacame the world champion in 1921 and had claimed his title for 6 years..He was married to Gloria Simoni Betancourt in 1921 and they had a son named j osé Raúl Jr., in 1923 and a daughter, Gloria, in 1925. He had written several books called My chess career, Chess fundamentals,A primer of chess etc..He died on 8 th of March 1942 in New York City,USA at the age of 53.