
Search "user:amazingchess1836"

9 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - premove glitch#7

@spidersneedlovetoo said in #6: > yah it's weird, it only happens when more valuable pieces are at stake, too... Yeah. Really feels like it's hacking. If it was a glitch, probably it'll be randomly pl…

Lichess Feedback - What happened to studies?#12

@InkyDarkBird said in #4: > A new update being implemented studies sounds interesting. > I guess we'll find out in around 8 minutes. What changed?

Lichess Feedback - Questions(posted in off topic)#1

What are appeals How fast are reports processed

Off-Topic Discussion - How fast are reports processed?#1

question I have, and another one is: what are appeals?

Lichess Feedback - Playing against person who violated TOS#1

I don't know if I just don't read a lot of FAQ, but I was playing against @mehdilotfizadeh2022, and I have this habit to look at how many games people played in a time control, and when I did that, it…

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Off-Topic Discussion - What I think Of Lichess' Inactive accounts + Bonus + Random Windows Kaomojis#5

@potatothing said : The thing is, robots made to solve captchas prob have a worser intent than go say random rubbish on a chess website... yeah i guess ur right

Off-Topic Discussion - What I think Of Lichess' Inactive accounts + Bonus + Random Windows Kaomojis#2

Sorry for the title mistake, I didn't know that you cant type kaomojis that contain not-keyboard-keys

Off-Topic Discussion - What I think Of Lichess' Inactive accounts + Bonus + Random Windows Kaomojis#1

Inactive accounts, huh? I think they kinda, idk, start getting weird. Search any possible username like hahalol(example) and they will be online about a year or two offline. Their status will be tiny,…
