
Search "user:Isaiah4031"

701 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why is stalemate a draw instead of a win?#3

many of my stalemates should really be 'losses' -- i let time pressure get to me and didn't assemble a precise attack

Off-Topic Discussion - Best username#49

knights_who_say_ni YES

Lichess Feedback - ? Feature Request: A REPORT OPTION for bad sports#12

Clearly, neither my opponent or myself is a cheater.... but a sudden upward spike by a 'poor sport' might be an indicator that the player has 'gone off the reservation'

Lichess Feedback - ? Feature Request: A REPORT OPTION for bad sports#9

The GREAT majority of the people I play against are civil and I enjoy the chat! As you can see by the people I follow/ following me, chess is a tool for enoying people -- not lying to myself about my …

Lichess Feedback - ? Feature Request: A REPORT OPTION for bad sports#7

It's a shame there is not a time/ move tag to accompany the chat messages ---- that may help make analysis objective!! If you had seen when the message was sent in time/ move context you would easily …

Lichess Feedback - ? Feature Request: A REPORT OPTION for bad sports#6

playing out the game IS NOT an issue!! Petulant comments because he does not enjoy the way I close out the game is the issue!!

Lichess Feedback - ? Feature Request: A REPORT OPTION for bad sports#4

I did an analysis request for you: he had a dominant position even before my blunder @ move 16

Lichess Feedback - ? Feature Request: A REPORT OPTION for bad sports#3

Did you actually look at the game??? He had me mated -- or totally beat down ?? @ move 13.... I was hoping for some deeper discussion --- We have a category for your types of comments

Lichess Feedback - ? Feature Request: A REPORT OPTION for bad sports#1

How a report function option for Bad Sports & Pin Heads This may serve as an early warning system for "problem children" -- the type of people that grow into trolls & cheaters.... The exchange is clea…

Off-Topic Discussion - Best username#46

pwntiuspilate FANTASTIC
