
Search "user:Iaxul"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - En passant chess variant#11

@TomMarquardt Hehe. Well, nah, it's bit like being in shower, where you can have so called shower thoughts. Plenty of time to think on long walks as well, and it's usually also nice and quiet.

General Chess Discussion - En passant chess variant#9

@AsDaGo said in #8: > @Iaxul It's not the same thing as you're describing, but it reminds me of Kung Fu Chess, where it is possible to capture a piece before it has finished moving to its destination:…

General Chess Discussion - En passant chess variant#6

@mkubecek said in #5: > One argument would be that if presence of a piece on certain square does not prevent the move, the square should not be considered "passed through" and therefore eligible for "…

General Chess Discussion - En passant chess variant#3

@mkubecek said in #2: > Actually, it does apply even in standard chess: in the only move when a king can move by more than one square, it is not allowed to pass through an attacked square. Ah, right, …

General Chess Discussion - En passant chess variant#1

I was thinking about en passant while walking with the dog, and figured it could as well be applied to bishops, rooks, and queens too. As in, you could capture them by moving to any of the squares the…

Community Blog Discussions - The Candidates in 12 Graphs#6

How about the Women's Candidates?

Lichess Feedback - "10 games in play", yet I only see 9 of them#5

@mcgoves said in #4: > To be clear, I was looking at YOUR profile. Ah, right, you can see them from there. I also see 10 games in that view.

Lichess Feedback - "10 games in play", yet I only see 9 of them#3

@mcgoves said in #2: > I see 10. Two rows of 4 plus one row of 2, or three rows of 3 plus one row of 1 (if I resize the window). Okay, thanks. I have rows of 3, so I guess I should have the second sit…

Lichess Feedback - Hi Lichess, wondering about a favour?#6

@SimonBirch said in #5: > Omg you're always so horrible , all I'm interested in is my start date, that's all cedur. , that's all, just the year to give me an idea of where I'm at . If you closed your …

Lichess Feedback - "10 games in play", yet I only see 9 of them#1

It says on my home page that I have 10 games in play. Yet, when I open that section, I can only see 9 of them. Is this a bug? Should I see all of them, or is 9 maximum for that box? How and where can …
