
Search "user:Astrodynamo1234"

7 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - does mustard win?#6

Nah bruv ketchup is better

General Chess Discussion - Fide ratings#12

It's not verified because it doesn't need to be, people can easily make the link between false rating and true rating. And also after all, who cares?

General Chess Discussion - Why on every team there are just blitz and bullet?#8

I think this is because some people don't have time for rapid or classical arenas, many can get bored. In blitz and bullet, the arena flows with quick games, this keeps the attention span of the playe…

General Chess Discussion - Unbalanced Variants#3

Variants can be seen as imbalanced but they can be very complicated to steer into a win. This doesn't even really apply because you would have to play at the computer level, or quite close to get a wi…

General Chess Discussion - Black Openings with simple middlegame plans ?#10

@RamblinDave said in #8: > Arguably the plans in the mainlines are fairly simple, though - checkmate the opponent while not getting checkmated yourself! It's just the execution that takes a bit of wor…

General Chess Discussion - Black Openings with simple middlegame plans ?#6

@TheKingClash said in #4: > You could try the Sicilian Najdorf. In most cases, the plan for black is to pawnstorm on the queenside, fianchetto the Queen's bishop and also attack in the centre, with ..…

Lichess Feedback - Brilliant Move#17

I think that the term "brilliant move" is used for a move that the engine did not at first see. For example, in a position, the engine would play what it qualifies as "the best move" but sometimes, it…
