
Search "user:NRTG"

30 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Recommend website for live play.#9

I left because I don't have access to my games after about a month or something due to not being premium also you can only analyse one game per week. I was attracted to this site by a post o…

Lichess Feedback - Recommend website for live play.#6

My ping seems to be about 50 ms and I live in the UK.

Lichess Feedback - Recommend website for live play.#4

I would like to point out I am not too bothered about variants I just want a place to play live chess where I don't have to spend all my opponents time constantly pressing refresh.

Lichess Feedback - Recommend website for live play.#3

I too used to play at and am very happy with the analysis feature. However I have lost several live games to disconnection and feel this really lets the site down. This did not happen at che…

Lichess Feedback - Recommend website for live play.#1

Hello I am new to this site and think it is fantastic for correspondence chess however it seems to have real problems with disconnections in live play. I like that it is free and my games are stored f…

Lichess Feedback - move not shown#9

I imagine that would ruin blitz or bullet not that I play them really. It does seem if you reload the page it is up to date.

Lichess Feedback - move not shown#7

I understand that people shouldn't take that long but when they are lost they sometimes make you wait for the win. It seems that regular reloading seems to solve the problem. Thank you for all your he…

Lichess Feedback - move not shown#5

Thanks for your help anyway.

Lichess Feedback - move not shown#3

My computer was connected. I was waiting half hour and had time to browse other sites while waiting for move to be made. Should it not reconnect if I am online.

Lichess Feedback - move not shown#1

Hello I recently lost a game on time but my opponents last move was not shown to me so I was waiting for them to move. Does anybody know why this happened and how to avoid it. Thanks in advance.