
Search "user:ep14n05t"

40 forum posts
Game analysis - Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.#75

KC went a bit hard too, agreed. But no one owes anyone any apologies. Just please don't turn this site into an arena for crap flinging, we already have the rest of the internet for that. Be nice, peop…

Game analysis - Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.#68

Oh yeah, and the Zaitsev character was ever so gentlemanly talking about KC's "asthmatic" breathing. Criticize a person's BREATHING for god's sake, AND use the name of a SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION that…

General Chess Discussion - Do you find puzzles useful to get better?#16

The puzzles helped me a great deal at first. And it doesn't matter what time controls you're playing with, I think. Yes, the puzzles present a vast amount of different positions. But the underlying pr…

Off-Topic Discussion - LIchess - your love keeps me hostage!#8

Oh, ok. Thank you!

Off-Topic Discussion - LIchess - your love keeps me hostage!#6

BTW what happened to big tournament games being transmitted here? Is that not a thing anymore?

Off-Topic Discussion - LIchess - your love keeps me hostage!#5

I love lichess! Always improving. The conditional premoves are genius! Pure. Genius.

General Chess Discussion - Players of Today against Players of the Past#21

Tal's wild imagination would still be puzzling. he'd deviate from the theory early and the game would still end up in a bizzare supercomplicated position, never seen before. so all that theory - it ai…

General Chess Discussion - Players of Today against Players of the Past#20

sure, the guys from the past wouldn't know some lines that are well studied now. but I'm positive that they would find the resources to fight and even produce novelties anyway. theory is merely what h…

Off-Topic Discussion - My guilty pleasure ...#11

I also noticed how chess became a form of entertainment to me in an unexpected way. I just love to watch games over a couple of beers now =) Like instead of playing myself, of watching a tv show or so…

Off-Topic Discussion - My guilty pleasure ...#10

This thread is about guilty pleasures, so TMI is probably something to be expected =) I know what Dionysus_god is talking about really well, the tingles are more intense that way and they cover the wh…
