

Why does it seem like so few people want a rematch? I get it if you lost and were clearly outmatched, but why do so few winners ever want a rematch?
I usually decline rematches, except when the opponent blunders & resigns at the very beginning. Many reasons:

- I like playing different people every time
- I want to review the game we just played
- I want to do something else before playing the next game (read something, make tea, engage my ADHD)
- I only came on to play that one game and have other stuff to do
There are so many reasons. You play when you have time and desire.
And then, there are hundreds of thousands of other players to play with, why one should feel obligated to offer/accept rematches and continue playing with that again ?
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of reasons to not play a rematch, but there is much to be learned from playing a player more than once regardless of whether you won or lost.
Certainly many people only come of for a short time, or have to do other things (including reviewing the game - I totally agree with that one). But I also see people flit to the next game almost instantly. Not sure if it's because they feel humiliated if they lost, or lucky if they won and don't want to risk losing the next one. Sure it's fun to play other players, but those other anonymous players will still be there after a game or two more.
Or do people prefer keeping it strictly anonymous and playing someone multiple times makes it too personal for them?
I'm usually looking at the game afterward, so I don't usually accept rematches but if someone sends me a nice message I would probably do it.

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