
Can real shields be sent in the post for Shield winners ?

Hi all

This might seem a crazy idea, but here goes: I think it would be a nice personal touch if real lichess shields were sent in the post!. I could imagine people uploading their shield of honour to Youtube Facebook etc, etc - creating even more publicity for the site. Also it would make those tournaments even more fiercely contested if the Shield was also sent in the post!

I am honoured to win the Superblitz shield yesterday, and I uploaded the commentary now here:

I think if the site buys some real trophies (not too expensive I would hope) and sending to the winners if they are keen would be good publicity for the site, and add a real personal touch and add even more incentive for competing for those shield tournaments. I honestly was avoiding them generally as they seemed too long and were just influencing "pixels on a screen". However yesterday I had a real go at one.

I have heard youtube sends people something on getting to 100k subscribers, so it is kind of done there by analogy.

Cheers, K
Good idea !
It should be the same for all personal results in all tournaments !!
Amazing idea.

I think adding a real scoresheet and sending that to the player will give a personal touch. Same goes with sending chess pieces and chess boards (not too expensive tho, don't worry) to give the player a chance to get a feel for the pieces. Not only is this good for the player's development, but also for lichess' publicity.

Another idea might be to add an official tournament director and arbiter to lichess' tournaments for fair play. But also to take care of the player's needs like good lightning, good airconditioning, noise decrease, etc.

I don't think this'll cost too much, since it's not very expensive to send them to the players. And if it is actually expensive (maybe for players who live in countries far away from normal society) then I'm sure we can make something work, get a croudfunding, or something like that.

Thanks for the good Suggestion @Kingscrusher-YouTube But we may wanna go even further ;)
Do you realize that shield winners need to send the shield back after one month? I don't think we could trust players with that.
perhaps it could be delivered at the end of the year to the player who has won the most shield. In other words, if someone for example wins the bullet shield seven times in a year, he could receive a trophy. If he wins it only once, not
Ahh but you could just say the month it is valid for on the inscription - month and year -it maybe a way of incentivising, because for example I am keen to reach the 100k subscriber mark on youtube for the thing they send.

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