
Cheat detection source code

Can somebody please give me a hand to find the relevant lichess source code concerning cheat detection? I had browsed the various github repos but somehow couldn't find it.

And no, I'm not going to try to exploit it. 🙂 

I got curious after hearing that a teammate of mine got banned for cheating. He said all he could think of that made lichess believe he was cheating was that he switched browser tabs (to youtube) while playing rated games on lichess. 

The reason I got curious is also because I myself had a similar situation quite a while back when I was playing a Lichess4545 League game against @lovlas - an IM, a much stronger player than myself and a lichess mod. After a couple of moves into the game I realized that I still had chessbase running in the background on my machine. I closed it and messaged lovlas and a Lichess4545 mod about the issue, since I was not sure if this was already considered cheating. lovlas was chilled and we played on. I managed to hold a draw but due to this stupid incident I still somehow felt bad about it, haha. 

Anyway, after hearing the story now about my teammate I figured I'll go and check the cheat detection source code to see if something like "other browser tabs" or even other active OS processes are even relevant (which I technically doubt). 
Interesting, looks very nice to have AI help in cheat detection
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