
2000+ rated players, if you play on chesscom what is your rating there?

I've heard from others that there's about a 200 point rating difference at the 2000ish level but despite being around 2000 strength on chesscom I'm probably only around 2100 strength on lichess. Just curious to see comparisons from others (and ultimately I'm not too bothered but I would like to one day get my rating up to 2200 lichess).
Playing the lichess, I peaked 2750 bullet rating. Chess com only 2400. In blitz the situation is the opposite: 2250 lichess, 2400 chesscom.
Hard to compare, but it feels like about 150 points in rapid. Currently I am 2005 on chesscom and 2154 here.
2290 Rapid on cc. 2281 Rapid here. The real head scratcher is that I'm 2250 in Bullet on cc and can't seem to break 2200 on here. I've been at that one for a while.
Blitz 1900 on lichess but 2000 on chesscom. Dont know why
Same for rapid 2000 lichess and 2000 chesscom
Bullet 2000 lichess and 1800 chesscom bcz of their server. Dont know how ppl Can play 1 min ko games on chesscom
@DrHack said in #7:
> 2290 Rapid on cc. 2281 Rapid here. The real head scratcher is that I'm 2250 in Bullet on cc and can't seem to break 2200 on here. I've been at that one for a while.

I think this is probably the premove system on here. I fair a lot worse in time scrambles on lichess since you can effectively premove an unlimited amount of time if you're quick enough. I find it easier to flag people on chesscom (and avoid being flagged as well).

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