
Pewdiepie vs T-series.

Pewdiepie = reposting content he did not create and analysing it, then moans when he gets copyright strikes :p
His videos are lame, and to think he makes the best part of $15,000 per video is a joke, let alone the sponsored videos.
No wonder he pumps out a video everyday.
All he does is repost memes, vines, and submissions from his sub Reddit - actually you have to admire the fact he does pretty much sod all. (he does not edit his videos, he just records an hour or so of footage and lets others edit it to a 10 minute video).

>No wonder he pumps out a video everyday.

This is necessary if you want to grow into a big channel these days.
Youtube for mere mortals is dead, the ad-pocolypse, means only certain channels are making money, I do not have a YT account but I still get 'recommended' garbage like mainstream media over and over again.
I understand that these 'channels' have to pump out at the minimum a video a day, but there are so many channels which are shite.
God bless adblock :)

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