
What is your opinion of the Gods?

Some of these answers are freaking me out. Like, I respect you all having one God (Allah or Jesus etc), but respect other religions too? Like, i am Hindu, and I didn't realise so many people did not know that people follow polytheistic religions too. Look, in Hinduism, the most powerful or omnipotent gods are Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. So, they represent destruction (Shiva), creation (Vishnu) and balance as a whole (Brahma). So, in our religion, none of these main gods are more powerful than the other.
On the other hand, for other gods and goddesses, they quarrel often,but are united against a great evil (the Ashuras). So, hierarchy might be there, but it does not affect the way the Gods and Goddesses operate.
@NTRLover69 said in #30:
> Here comes a paradox if God is all powerful that would mean God could create a rock heavy enough that it couldn't lift the paradox is if he creates the rock God isn't all powerful and if God lifts it God couldn't create that rock with that exact caracteristics
This is a well known question. The question doesn't make sense to ask in the first place.

God is all powerful. And it doesn't make sense to ask if God can create something beyond his power. It's like saying "God is all knowing. Can he create something he doesn't know the existence of?"
Test them and see if they do anything for you, or if they remain silent as stones.
@LemonSkull69 said in #33:
> Test them and see if they do anything for you, or if they remain silent as stones.

you just dont see it,like a blind person cant see anything doesnt mean nothing exists,talk to God and close your eyes,you will feel the answer,you probably wont even try it and think i am an idiot
@WassimBerbar said in #32:
> This is a well known question. The question doesn't make sense to ask in the first place.
> God is all powerful. And it doesn't make sense to ask if God can create something beyond his power. It's like saying "God is all knowing. Can he create something he doesn't know the existence of?"
The stone question is really a wrong question, but what you wrote is not a correct answer for 2 reasons:
1) The logic behind the question is that God is omnipotent. That is, everything that can be done - he can do. But maybe that's because he only created the things he could do? I mean, maybe God is omnipotent in the created world, but there are things he can't do and therefore they weren't created?
2) In fact, all of this is just a misstatement of the question. The more accurate formulation of the question is: Can God create a stone that he cannot lift, not because it is inherently too heavy, but because he "limited himself" so that he could not lift the stone.
Can he create a stone that one of the properties he will determine is that he cannot lift it.
That is: can God limit himself.
Don't miss the best (apparently unintentional) humor in the thread: the notion that socialists wouldn't fight among themselves.

Remember: they're all equal. It's just that some of them are more equal than others.
First God creates a rock too heavy to lift, then He lessens the gravity till He can lift it. Problem solved. If I'm serious? How would I know?
Can any number of gods create a utopian system so perfectly imperfect that it would not fail to function as planned despite its imperfect perfection?

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