
What's your preferred board and piece theme?

I've been using Olive board with Fantasy piece set since day one.

They changed the fantasy recently which is still decent, but not as good as the previous design IMO.

Curious of others' preference: is your set up more chill and laid back, or vibrant and aggressive looking? Do you ever cycle between themes?
Marble and Kosal - I like how mean the knights look. Occasionally I'll change it up, but not too often.
I like the "softness" of the Maestro pieces and grey board. They pair well.
Background - Dark Board (The dark board setting, takes the bright sheen off the board)
Board theme - Green - Plastic
Piece set - Mirida - :]
Maple board
Companion pieces

I don't cycle between themes.
Grey with Kosal. Kosal looks so good and the grey theme helps me focus more.

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