
Loser Appreciation Post

I'm writing to say a kind word to all those who get down from the losses.

I said I'd play one game before returning to work, the first game I saw, and give it my all. 1+0zH against a 500+ player popped up in the lobby and I'm sure you can imagine how it went...

While there's lots of room for analysis, what I see here is a common error across games I lose with missing a move that will complete the mating net, specifically 25...N@c5#.

What's to appreciate about this? Probably that I even got that close in my first game of the day. I usually play rusty till I've had a few warmups under my belt. There's a lot to appreciate here: If I can come this close while still in a developmental phase, imagine what happens next!

So don't give up if you got some losses keeping you down; be optimistic because whatever's next is yet unwritten and your own mind, thoughts, and feelings are already composing the future. ;p

(Maybe all ^that^ isn't so much about analysis of the game as analysis of my psychology...feel free to set that aside if you're feeling trollish and give me some good thoughts on what else I missed!)
Well, the day ends with some symmetry. Got lucky in 1+0zH game and capitalized on my opponent's blunder.

I would appreciate any advice anyone could offer on how to play more consistently. Especially interested in advice on how to stay focused from ADHD or autistic titled players. (Thanks!)
Just because an opponent appears to be more prepared doesn't mean you can't checkmate. The key is to keep you eyes on the prize. If they get you it's "GG" and move on.

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