
I just won with CM

good job, and it's won against CM, not with CM. With CM means you played together as a team, instead of against each other
Every time I face a titled player, I get nervous before the game and think, that I am done for. Then, during an arena I faced a NM and was winning ot of the Opening, because my Opponent blundered - I played the middlegame somewhat good and messed up in the endgame - and lost. But, after the game I knew, that good players - be it titled ones or those with a high rating - still can technically lose against players like me. This gave me a lot of confidence, as you can imagine. And a month later - after the defeat through the NM - I played against a CM - again, in an arena and without berserking or anything - and, wouldn't you believe it: I won! This gave me even more confidence and - as you might imagine - I was quite happy. Now - a week or two ago - I defeated another CM! This is pretty nice, but although I now know, that you can technically win against anyone, the odds may not be in your favor: I have lost more often against high rated and titled players as I have won against them. Nevertheless, it is a good thing, as this shows the progress and improvement of your chess skills - and maybe, just maybe, I will improve even more and thus be able to win won positions.

Here is a fitting quote by Jan Hein Donner:
>"I love all positions. Give me a difficult positional game, I'll play it. Give me a bad position, I'll defend it. Openings, endgames, complicated positions, and dull, drawn positions, I love them all and will give my best efforts. But totally winning positions I cannot stand.

So, now I congratulate you, OP. (By the way, it's called "I won against a CM", because the CM is a Candidate Master, a person, and you haven't won with the CM, but you've won against the CM. If you would have won with the CM, then you and the CM would be partners facing other Opponents, but if you win against the CM, you have defeated the Candidate Master. But: In other languages, it might be called "I won with CM" like in "I played with the CM and won", so maybe that's the reason you wrote "I just won with CM"?) Nice victory though!
@SriramSathwik said in #8:
> good job, and it's won against CM, not with CM. With CM means you played together as a team, instead of against each other
> no

Yes it is.

"I just defeated a CM."
"I just beat a CM."
"I just won AGAINST a CM."

(Don't like to correct English - It was just because you said "no". lol

Good Game, that was really impressive how you defeated a CM. Well played.

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