
I lost to a cheater, and I would like to know who...

I lost to a cheater (and got my points restored, thank you) but is the game then deleted from the records? I'm just curious to see if I can find who it was...
Go to your homepage and check out your gamehistory. Hover your mouse over the opponent in your last 1-8 games.
@kaotic99 said in #2:
> Go to your homepage and check out your gamehistory. Hover your mouse over the opponent in your last 1-8 games.

Thanks! That's a good tip!
@Octoberowl said in #3:
> Thanks! That's a good tip!
Lichess does not tell the cheater due to privacy issues. However, feel free to check your games and find him if you want to.
As far as I am aware, no game is really lost. The games played against people, who break the ToS are still there - their account is flagged. If you play against someone who deletes their account, their account will be named "ghost", but the game - the game is still there.
@Serg_Dolgikh you know ... most typically, running an engine for your game and playing computer moves?

or having a much stronger person play for you or using them for hints?
It still seeIt still seems to me that having someone who plays well, and he will play for you, is not a crime (
It may not be a crime, but it's classed as cheating on Lichess and for good reason.

Another note for the OP- remember that while you may have played a cheater, it doesn't mean they cheated against you, they may have cheated in other games.
@Octoberowl said in #1:
> I lost to a cheater (and got my points restored, thank you) but is the game then deleted from the records? I'm just curious to see if I can find who it was...
Lichess does not want to shame player

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