
What Would you Play on Move 14

@Technoblade69420 great of you for trying hard but N×a7 is best because:-
After N×a7,if they take queen by N×c4 then N×c8 winning the the scenario is
1.)a6 pawn is a passed pawn
2) its under the control of a1 rook
3.) a8(the queening sqaure) is guarded by B at f3..
So the pawn cant be stopped from becoming a queen,the only way to do so for black is to get their own queen killed....
In a 3+0 blitz game, I would probably briefly analyze 14.Qa4 and see that black cannot stop me from taking a7 next because 14...Qd7 15.Nxa7, and then go for it.

As with many puzzles, when you know there's something out of the ordinary to look for, 14.Nxa7 becomes a candidate move and then it quickly becomes clear white promotes. But it's worth noting that if the position were slightly different (say 14.Qa4 leads to nothing), then I might pause and look for other alternatives and then spot Nxa7 in an actual blitz game
I would probably play qa4, as joddle said I would probably find it in a puzzle but in a real game I would play qa4 and move on.
The combination of people saying "I found it so quickly without analyzing, such an obvious move" and the usual "you won who cares" comment is ugh inducing.

It's a cool tactic though, thanks for sharing.

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