
Why didn't Lichess made a public declaration about the genocide in Gaza?

@clousems said in #56:
> If genocide is the intent, they're doing a pretty bad job of it. Typically, genocidal governments in Israel's position round up and eliminate members of a group systematically

They would be doing that if the entire world wasn't looking. Why do you think so many journalists have been killed in Gaza?

> In this situation, the goal of defense is plausible enough that we can't assume it away

There is no need to do the amount of damage they're causing just to defend themselves. It's impossible Hamas would be able to repeat something like they did if Israel is on high alert, so destroying houses, hospitals, schools and churches isn't making Israel any safer, and neither is it doing it keeping humanitarian aid out of Gaza to feed the displaced civilians.
@Noflaps said in #59:
> If Israel wanted to kill all Palestinians, why warn them in advance and wait weeks?

If Israel doesn't want to kill Palestinians, why warn them in advance, tell them to go to a safe zone, and then bomb said supposedly safe zone?

> If Israel wanted to kill all Palestinians, why allow food and water and medical aid to come in, as they have, repeatedly?

They literally aren't allowing food and water and medical aid to come in, there's tons of trucks waiting to enter Gaza and Israel isn't letting them. The amount that they let through is minuscule in comparison and totally insufficient.

> If Israel wanted to kill all Palestinians, why remark to the world that it was a "grave mistake" when they accidentally killed some civilians who were on yet ANOTHER aid mission? Did Hitler ever call the Holocaust a "grave mistake" ? And who in Hamas has publicly stated that October 7 was a "grave mistake" ?

Because they need international support to survive in the Middle East. If they lost US support, Israel is just gone.

> Israeli CIVILIANS were attacked brutally TO BEGIN WITH. It's chutzpah to accuse ISREAL of wanting genocide. The Israeli constitution doesn't call for the elimination of Palestinians. Israelis don't go around chanting "from the river to the sea." It's not Israel who raped and tortured and murdered on October 7.

> NONE of this had to happen, But just how many times do you think a nation can let its women and children be raped or tortured or murdered before they ACTUALLY decide to try to STOP THAT FROM HAPPENING?

The attacks to Israel have been horrible, period.

Israel has done much more harm to Palestine than Hamas could even dream of doing to Israel.

Both things are true, and yet you only seem to care about one of them.

> I'm done posting in this thread.

Good. You're misinformed, and unknowingly defending a genocidal, colonizing country.

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