
If Carlsen faces Niemann at World Rapid CH

Yes, he should play.

Real men don't quit in the middle of a game, pout, cry, and run to their mommy, and beg for the opponent to be DQ.

If he has a pair of you know what, then he'll sit down and play the damn game and win the game, and then stare down his opponent.

But he doesn't have a pair of you know what, so he'll most likely throw another hissy fit and refuse to play, and make a mockery of a classy sport.
@pretzelattack1 said in #10:
> This lawuit has nothing to do with criminal law, which means "innocent until proven guilty" is not the legal standard. In any case, Carlsen isn't the plaintiff, he is the defendant. . Niemann has the burden of proof, not Carlsen. instead of learning his lesson, Niemann is doubling down.

Yes, this is true.

What annoys me, and this is a total side issue, was the usual David Howell reluctance on the commentary to talk about it. I like David a lot, but I think sometimes he is overly conscious of the bosses and shows a reluctance to discuss anything other than the moves on the board. His buddy Trent on the commentary tried to get him to talk about other issues several times but each time got stonewalled.

Rather sad, there is more going on in the chess world than Bb4.
@Octoberowl said in #13:
> Yes, this is true.
> What annoys me, and this is a total side issue, was the usual David Howell reluctance on the commentary to talk about it. I like David a lot, but I think sometimes he is overly conscious of the bosses and shows a reluctance to discuss anything other than the moves on the board. His buddy Trent on the commentary tried to get him to talk about other issues several times but each time got stonewalled.
> Rather sad, there is more going on in the chess world than Bb4.

Is it true?

From what I understand Carlsen made a very serious allegation, and now Niemann is suing for defamation which is to say he's defending himself.

If Niemann can prove that Carlsen's statement caused monetary loss, then Carlsen will be asked to produce evidence of his claim.

"he wasn't concentrating during pivotal moments therefore he's cheating" will be thrown out as a nonsensical argument, so carlsen will have to do better than that.

This was OTB in st louis where cheating is almost impossible. Unless he has designed a new method nobody knows about, then probability of cheating is close to zero.
Yes, I completely agree with you. Cheating orb, which he never confessed to, is an entirely unproved allegation. Serious trouble there.
@Sleprithslayer said in #9:
> For example, he said he didn't want to play if Nepo won Tata, because he already beat him and so he is going to retire, etc etc.

It was the Candidates not the Tata tournament. Also Carlsen did not retire, he simply did not want to play another world championship match which is understandable as he has already played 5 world championship matches, more than most world champions did.
@Rene1020 said in #16:
> It was the Candidates not the Tata tournament. Also Carlsen did not retire, he simply did not want to play another world championship match which is understandable as he has already played 5 world championship matches, more than most world champions did.

Didn't Carlsen say that he would defend against Alireza, but that he wouldn't play nepo or nakamura because it didn't excite him. It's one thing to say that privately while reflecting, but to say it publicly and then to keep Nepo, Naka, and the organizers waiting and wondering about whether you will defend your title is in my view unprofessional. Maybe I'm biased, because I don't like Carlsen much. He's too childish for my taste. But I think he should have decided whether he would defend earlier, and he should have kept his private thoughts (i.e, who he wanted to play) to himself.
@Grumpymantooth said in #17:
> ...Maybe I'm biased, because I don't like Carlsen much. He's too childish for my taste...
He was my favourite player until recently, so I don't think it's bias. It's easy to overlook his childlike exuberance when he is that good at chess and he doesn't display malice.

But he knows he's cheated multiple times at least, we have all seen it on video, and yet he has tried to promote himself as the saviour of cheating by harassing a kid instead of apologising for his previous indiscretions. That is no longer childish, it is spoilt, and indicative bad intentions.
@ Nomoreusernames said in #18:
> But he knows he's cheated multiple times at least, we have all seen it on video, and yet he has tried to promote himself as the saviour of cheating by harassing a kid instead of apologising for his previous indiscretions.
He cheated? I didn't know that. I know about the Hans-Magnus-cheating-scandal, but I never knew that Magnus himself cheated - and even on video!? May I ask for the video? (I mean, why have I never heard about that? Has this ever been covered by the media? Was it recently or twenty years ago?)
@george_mcgeorge said in #19:
> He cheated? ... May I ask for the video? (I mean, why have I never heard about that? Has this ever been covered by the media? Was it recently or twenty years ago?)

It was as an adult, in the last couple years or so, at least his late 20s. I have not researched this, it is only general knowledge. There may be more cases on video, or off video, these are only from memory. I saw them on the original stream or vids when I was a fan, these are just short clips from youtube.
It seems Magnus is account sharing on Salomon's account
Again seems Magnus is account sharing on Luckyrivers account
Magnus appears to crowdsource the winning move, playing it and taking the points, whilst acknowledging it was cheating.

In each of these cases, Magnus shows himself contravening the platform rules and accepting the rating points. They may not be Fide Elo.points, but perhaps there is some financial incentive for these points to be taken more seriously now.

Some people stand up for him and say that it's not cheating, and I can see why, but it would be cheating by his proclaimed standards, and it seems to be against the platforms' fair play rules.

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