
iOS app issue: Flip Board function not working properly

My name is STANDARD_DEVIATIONX2 and I was having issues this morning with the board flipping properly. I noticed that while the board rotated, the usernames associated with each side did not follow the flip board. (Basically only the pieces flipped, but the usernames didn’t follow) Can anyone explain why I’m having this issue? Is anyone else having this issue on their iOS app?

I have tried doing the flip board function when I’m watching games via lichess TV on the iOS app, and it works there without issue. The issue is only occurring on my games, both daily and live.

I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the app, but the flip board function does not work properly.

Thank you,

I emailed about this issue to a yesterday already. I deleted the Lichess app until the issue gets resolved, I’m just playing on the desktop site for the time being, because the issue is not occurring on the desktop site at all, just on the iOS app.

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