
Genocide of Gazan Palestinians by Israel

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #77:
1. Can you prove that a helicopter didn't attack the civilians, can you prove that it was actually Hamas
2. As I said idf lied so many times to justify their actions, they said hamas was hiding in hospitals (twice) and both turned out to be lies, they lied about a picture they took of a burnt person that turned out to be ai generated, they are lying about their solders who are dying in the ground invasion of gaza (a grace yard keeper said he receives much more dead solders then what the idf sais and many civilians reported seeing much more helicopters transportation injuries then what the idf reported), I wouldn't take the idf as a credible source of information and by logic any person would doubt what a liar would say
3. In previous forums you said the idf has the right to bomb civilians if there is at least one hamas in it, I can just say that at that festival one of the people there was a solder who hamas targeted and the civilians in the dance (assuming they were really killed by hamas) were taken in a cross fire, same argument you use to justify the idf bombing gaza
@sdkman said in #81:
> 32 countries consider hamas terrorist
> Remind me how many country there is in the world
> If you know basic math you can make a percent and just realize most of the world doesn't consider hamas terrorists
32 countries -> X%
193 countries -> 100%
X=32*100 / 193 = 16.58%

Barely a quarter of the countries in the world recognise Hamas as a terrorist organisation, nowhere close to a majority. Apparently no one we argued so far mentions the 83.42% left.
Quick correction, 34 not including the zionist state
@sdkman said in #32:
> First of all I am not even referring to the events in the long far past, no need to talk about El nakba ... because in terms of crimes zionist solders admit awful crimes, some of them Saif to put "civilians" in barrels and shoot them until death and as I said zionist solders admitted to this and "laughed" about it
> But as I said no need to go that far into the past
> Idf forces attacked Palestinian civilians multiple times before Oct 7th
> And let's talk about the west bank where idf forces casually take Palestinians and puts them in prison where they get all forms of mistreatment (when I say mistreatment it isn't just lack of food and water... but rather all kinds of violence against 1. People who comited no crime 2. People tooken from land that the idf has nothing to do in) and some of these prisoners are children
> Wake up
> The war didn't start the Oct 7th
> I can say it started in 1948
> I can say it started in 2014 (protective edge)
> I can say it started in 2020 ( shikh Jajah neighborhood)
> War has long since started if we can call it war (because during all this time it was only one sided being the idf attacking civilians who didn't fight back) and when Palestinians strike back now you realize war has started?
> It isn't what hamas did what started the war
> It is your atrocities and your actions who lead to the explosion
Are you telling me there are extremists in Israel? Trust me, I know them better than you. These fools are not minors about the West Bank. Don't believe everything you are told in the media. The situation there is complex. Note that all the possibilities you raised are possible that the war was started by Israel and the Palestinians have no fault in it and this is exactly the problem because you can say that the war was started in 1948 by Israel and I can say that it started in 1947 by the Bedouin Arabs or even by the Arabs probably in 1929 You can say that it was established by Israel Israel in 2014 in Operation Cliff Ethan and I will tell you that Hamas started it when they kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli boys before that you understand? Stop presenting it as if there is one angelic side here and there is a side that always starts for no reason
@sdkman said in #82:
> 1. Can you prove that a helicopter didn't attack the civilians, can you prove that it was actually Hamas
> 2. As I said idf lied so many times to justify their actions, they said hamas was hiding in hospitals (twice) and both turned out to be lies, they lied about a picture they took of a burnt person that turned out to be ai generated, they are lying about their solders who are dying in the ground invasion of gaza (a grace yard keeper said he receives much more dead solders then what the idf sais and many civilians reported seeing much more helicopters transportation injuries then what the idf reported), I wouldn't take the idf as a credible source of information and by logic any person would doubt what a liar would say
> 3. In previous forums you said the idf has the right to bomb civilians if there is at least one hamas in it, I can just say that at that festival one of the people there was a solder who hamas targeted and the civilians in the dance (assuming they were really killed by hamas) were taken in a cross fire, same argument you use to justify the idf bombing gaza
1 Yes, videos of Hamas fighters entering houses and shooting at ambulances are enough for you? 2 Who told you that the picture of the burning man is a lie? This has never been proven and has even been proven false and besides there are many more pictures. Haven't you seen the videos from Rantisi Hospital? Didn't you see the tunnel at the entrance to Shifa Hospital? Didn't you see the gun caps by the MRI machine? Or the armed vehicle in the hospital parking lot?
@a4477 said in #86:
> 1 Yes, videos of Hamas fighters entering houses and shooting at ambulances are enough for you? 2 Who told you that the picture of the burning man is a lie?
Hamas fighters were armed with machine gunssmall grenades, ground anti-tank rockets and air rockets. even if Hamas wanted to burn civilians alive they cannot, because they don't have a tool that can cause burn damage to a target.
@a4477 said in #85:
> Are you telling me there are extremists in Israel? Trust me, I know them better than you. These fools are not minors about the West Bank. Don't believe everything you are told in the media. The situation there is complex. Note that all the possibilities you raised are possible that the war was started by Israel and the Palestinians have no fault in it and this is exactly the problem because you can say that the war was started in 1948 by Israel and I can say that it started in 1947 by the Bedouin Arabs or even by the Arabs probably in 1929 You can say that it was established by Israel Israel in 2014 in Operation Cliff Ethan and I will tell you that Hamas started it when they kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli boys before that you understand? Stop presenting it as if there is one angelic side here and there is a side that always starts for no reason
My answer to all this:
Open Google or any search engine of your choice
Type on the search bar: is the Israel settlement in Palestine legal
Then tell me what you find
If you come to someone's house and steal it and take control over it, and they fight you back, by pure logic you are the one who started the war
If we go on your path and justify violence with violence, then in all cases we will come back at the point you came in, took land that isn't yours, Palestinians fought back, you didn't like them fighting back so you genocide them back.
You cannot convince me your settlement in palestine is legal because everyone already agrees it isn't
@a4477 said in #86:
> 1 Yes, videos of Hamas fighters entering houses and shooting at ambulances are enough for you?
Do you think I am an idiot, seriously do you think hamas are idiots, do you think they will "film" themselves doing something that will lose them national support, we are not potato bags, what you are saying is like a criminal filmed himself committing a crime and sent the video to the police, or if it was filmed by someone else, 1) how dis that person survive, If a criminal saw witnesses wouldn't they eliminate them 2) wouldn't they if the video got posted deny or reply to it, 3) if they really hated jews as you say, look at the hostages and how they were treated, and compare that to Palestinian hostages taken by the idf
Or the ambulance wasn't a civilian ambulance and was transporting militants (same excuse you use to bomb hospitals) thus isn't it justified in that case

And also!!!! In the last forum topic you literally told me THAT VIDEOS ARE NOT ENOUGH OF A PROOF WHEN I SENT A VIDEO OF WHAT THE IDF DOES??????????? Or your videos are a proof and mine are not

And the idf has a history in faking videos lmao like they are faking videos now of their solders fighting hamas (literally they couldn't even show the target they are shooting and kept shooting a wall lmao) you tell me the idf can't just take a solder and make him wear hamas like cloths and make him shoot an ambulance, I mean you have a history in doing as such
> 2 Who told you that the picture of the burning man is a lie? This has never been proven and has even been proven false and besides there are many more pictures. Haven't you seen the videos from Rantisi Hospital? Didn't you see the tunnel at the entrance to Shifa Hospital? Didn't you see the gun caps by the MRI machine? Or the armed vehicle in the hospital parking lot?
The picture of the burning *child that was used by the idf and posted was proven to be fake if you just take the time to open Google
The tunel in the hospital, yeah, hamas aren't that small lol to go through it besides if you bomb the hospital it is going to destroy the hospital only and the tunels wouldn't be affected at all lol, what logic are you using, you destroy the hospital and leave the tunel intact
The guns in the mri machine, so how to explain it to you, hamas would hide big weapons because they wouldn't be able to carry them, but guns? Because if the idf attacks they would be like: give me a minut to open the machine, give me a minut to reload my gun, give me one more minut I forgot to remove safety, ok now we can fight, guns are made to be carried, and biger weapons are made to be hidden
And what do you have to say about the past events when you bombed a hospital because of hamas and there was no hamas
Or the nurse who was saying there was hamas and turned out to be an actress, or the calendar that was called hamas fighters list lmao
Sir, you lie shamelessly thinking we are idiots, you know you lie and we know you lie and you know we know and yet you keep onlying
@sdkman said in #81:
> @savage_caveman 32 countries consider hamas terrorist
> Remind me how many country there is in the world
> If you know basic math you can make a percent and just realize most of the world doesn't consider hamas terrorists
the major "big ones" do, the smaller ones also, and there are a lot of tiny ones that either don't care, don't know, or don't have internet.
@XingruiChen said in #89:
> the major "big ones" do, the smaller ones also, and there are a lot of tiny ones that either don't care, don't know, or don't have internet.
Russia and China are some of the big ones
North African countries for example
You have middle eastern countries which have monopoly of the Gas
I can continue
The European union rely on gas from North Africa and Middle east and oil

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