
New rule: after 301 moves the game is declared a draw.

I do not see my comment about bad news and good news. Was it deleted by moderators?
Yes. Your comment was a pure fabrication that had already been refuted and added nothing to the discussion.
There was a question: how many silent lichess rule changes I do not know?

The question can not be refuted (by the nature of question), it may be answered.

And lets suppose that you are correct. Then why I have not seen the rule change before this thread?

Even if a change (any change, not only lichess chage) is good, I strongly dislike silent changes. I think that others too.
Technical reasons. This is a website. Behind every website there is code that needs to be maintained.
Again. This isn't anything new. It's been like this forever. The fact that you just discovered it doesn't make it a new rule change.
i love this rule.

running the clock out could be due to a distraction in real life or internet connection problems, but making 300 moves in a game can be nothing other than an intentional act of trolling.

upon reaching 300 moves, the winning side should not be granted a win. rather, he should be banned permanently for being a bad person and contributing negatively to the world.

I agree, I think lichess should have a page that explains the rules of chess in precise language, both the standard rules and rules specific to lichess (300 move rule, how premoves and lag compensation work, how insufficient material is handled).
After making an account, users should be directed to that page, and it should be available from the menus at the top.
I believe this would eliminate many of the complaints about rules, but it would require some effort to translate to every language.
I stand by my earlier comment, but I believe users should have a way of knowing about this rule.
Literally everything is capped to make sure the servers stay healthy. Everything. This has nothing to do with knowledge of chess, philosophy or law. It also has nothing to do with race or sexuality. Nor space travel.

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