
Ridiculous 3 times repetition rule in this site

In this site 3 times repetition rule works ridiculously. As you can see it ended the game while we both made 3 completely different movements. The normal standard chess rule is about making exactly the same movement 3 times in a row which means to move the same piece on the same square 3 times in a row repeatedly. It does not say about making 3 identical movements in a row. The rule is specific about this, and I suppose lichess must follow the standard. Lichess gives draw even if the movements are nt even identical. Look this match
It does not matter what moves were made and in what order. It only matters that a position (NOT moves) repeats thrice. The positions resulting after moves 58, 60 and 64 count towards threefold repetition.

Just because the queen came from b2 on move 64 does not make the resulting position any different from the previous times.

@Cantfindavailablenam said in #4:
> Only lichess knows.

You could also know if you actually bothered to read the link that I sent and the link that you "cite".
It's not about movements but positions, as even the rule you reference states. The same position occured after black moved on 58, 60, and 64.
@Cantfindavailablenam said in #5:

Here is the very first line in the text you linked to:

"In chess, the threefold repetition rule states that a player may claim a draw if the same position occurs three times during the game"

Same POSITION, not same sequence of moves.

If you go to your game, click on the position after blacks move 58, 60, 64. They are the same. Thus, threefold repetition.

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