

Why everybody on this site want the rematch? but when they win they run away,not more rematch for me from today,win or lose,so fuck you all!
I generally refuse rematches when I win because it was an easy win and I don't see myself learning anything from my opponent.
I think the reason that players do rematches are these: 1 - if they win easy, try to win again. 2 - If they lose trying to win in the next game. But other conditions occur: 1 - if hardly win, do not send or accept rematches and run. 2 - If they lose too easily flee and do not rematches.

I have no fear of playing, here many are afraid, there are times when I can not find anyone to play with, not for not having players, if not because they are afraid to play.
I think that after you win a game you should always grant a rematch to your opponent (if asked)
i play a lot slower controls than most people on lichess so i simply dont have time to grant every rematch request.
Why people get so angry when the opponent do not want the same as them? (rematch or not rematch). I do not get it. This is online chess, hence you do not know what is happening at the other side. Perhaps the other person has to go somewhere (e.g. toilet), or just do not feel like thinking anymore.
Stop doing a drama of this. It is an agreement, when both parts do agree then it take place. Otherwise not. If you really want to rematch that person send him/her a polite message requesting a future rematch.

Kikelius, not you understand? is simple, is afraid to play and lose, as I wrote in my previous message. Yesterday I played with a player who spends the day here, but only played a game with me. I speak of the player has over 1800 of rating, or had when I played with him. just makes me laugh, as you say Kikelius, I do not understand the fear if only online chess.
I think you are giving too much importance to this. If he does not want to rematch is perfectly fine. Why you have to force someone to play against his will? What happens if another day its you the one who do not want to rematch? how would you feel?
Does not matter whether he is affraid or he has to run to the toilet. A rematch should be always be optional, at least according to me.
But of course, people can keep talking about this to enhance their ego's. (he did not want to rematch because he was affraid of me. I am too good). It is not like that, trust me. Sometimes you feel like it and some other times you do not.

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